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Normal Topic Using Calling Cards (Read 11949 times)
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Using Calling Cards
27. Aug 2005 at 19:32
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[I hope topics in English are permitted in this forum.]

I think Phoner may be just what I am looking for.  I have installed it and it works (Windows XP, Eicon Diva USB ISDN, using CAPI).  Great program! However, I am wondering if there is an easy way to deal with calling cards?

I can enter the access number for the calling card in the phone book and dial it.  Then, once I get an answer I can use the keypad to enter the card number and the destination number as DTMF.  That all works.

What I am wondering is if there is any way to store these in the phone book, or somewhere else, so that I can just click and all three stages happen automatically?

Ideally, of course, I would like to say "every number I dial should use the calling card" -- like I can with a modem in Windows.  But, I actually dial a particular number most of the time so it would help if I could somehow automate that!

My aim is to replace my desktop phone (where I solve this problem using memory buttons) and use my PC headset for these calls (as well as Skype and Bluetooth mobile phone calls, but they are different problems).

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Re: Using Calling Cards
Reply #1 - 27. Aug 2005 at 20:39
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Dear Graham,

Calling cards are not common in Germany, so there is no function for them yet. Nevertheless, it is a possible feature, so I moved this topic to the feature request section of this forum.

Sincerely, Jens
« Last Edit: 27. Aug 2005 at 21:52 by Suppenkasper »  
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Re: Using Calling Cards
Reply #2 - 05. Sep 2005 at 20:28
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Sorry, but I have no time to implement features, that I don't use for myself. The effort would be too great. I have to buy such a calling card for testing and so on...
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Re: Using Calling Cards
Reply #3 - 04. Oct 2005 at 03:35
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"Calling cards are not common in Germany, so there is no function for them yet."

Ach ja? Ich nutze diese calling-cards seit 2000 und habe dabei ersparnisse von 60 bis 85%. Die kaufe ich immer beim kurden oder türken, im dutzend billiger, 12 zum preise von 10, alles verhandlungssache. Nur ortsgespräche führe ich noch ohne callingcard. Nun kaufe ich zwar nie callingcards bei verifox, aber deren special ist recht gut geschrieben:

"Calling cards are not common in Germany, so there is no function for them yet."

Do you think so? I am using those calling-cards since year 2000 to profit from savings of about 60 to 85%. I buy them at kurdish or turkey shops in groups of 12 for the price of 10. It's a matter of negotiation. Except of connections within the same region I am using them always. I haven't bought callingcards at veryfox, but they wrote a good special:

JB: I have translated your posting, to enable graham to understand it.
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Re: Using Calling Cards
Reply #4 - 04. Oct 2005 at 04:15
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Dear Yves,

I will read the special you mentioned to learn more about the way they are used. Nevertheless, callingcards do not have a large portion of the complete telephone-market in Germany.

In fact, it is not important what I think about a possible feature, but what Heiko (Forum Admin) does.

Sincerely, Jens

PS: If anyone wants to put an answer to this topic, please write in English, if possible. Thanks.
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