Hab mal nen Abzug aus dem Debug-Fenster gemacht:
09:14:43,898: SIPPER: 2.0 (1.56)
09:14:43,898: Register: 1024 bytes blocksize
09:14:43,898: CAPI thread created: 0x0378
09:15:03,656: Sending SMS to vincent.wegas@gmx.net (EMail)
09:15:03,666: SMTP: OnRequestDone: smtpOpen(500)
09:15:10,726: Sending SMS to vincent.wegas@gmx.net (EMail)
09:15:10,736: SMTP: OnRequestDone: smtpOpen(500)
09:15:12,539: CloseDevice
09:15:12,549: CAPI thread terminating: 0x0378
09:15:12,599: Release
09:15:12,599: UnloadCAPI
09:15:14,532: Device is still open