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Very Hot Topic (More than 25 Replies) Encryption: TLS, SRTP & ZRTP (Read 284717 times)
Phoner Admin
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Re: Encryption: TLS, SRTP & ZRTP
Reply #105 - 17. Nov 2011 at 08:41
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Put your mouse cursor over that TLS icon and you will see why the icon is not "golden". TLS is based on certificates and server certificates are created for a special domain. But you connect directly to an IP address. That IP address doesn't match with the name (CN) within the server certificate. Thats the reason for the different color of the icon.
This white/grayed icon doesn't mean that the encryption is less secure - it just tells that the remote party is not the same as it tells within the certificate.
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o b m
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Re: Encryption: TLS, SRTP & ZRTP
Reply #106 - 17. Nov 2011 at 09:15
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so what sould I do to make certificate work/make tls golden? Or its not worth trying? Its useless for me since it does not effect security, but I guess my boss would appreciate if everything looked right Smiley
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Phoner Admin
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Re: Encryption: TLS, SRTP & ZRTP
Reply #107 - 17. Nov 2011 at 12:33
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You would need a server certificate where the CN is the IP address of that PC.
But if you don't like the why how PhonerLite is handling that - feel free to use any other softphone.
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o b m
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Re: Encryption: TLS, SRTP & ZRTP
Reply #108 - 18. Nov 2011 at 04:24
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If i didnt like it i would not use it. Actually tried looked through 30-40 voip programms and tried 6 of them. ONLY PL met our need since skype made nuts, cas PL has good encrypting and direct ip connection.

So i make txt file and insert smt like this

123 'random key?
111.222.333.001 'ipadress f 1st computer
111.222.333.002 'ipadress f 2st computer

then rename it to .cer and give to both clients?
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Phoner Admin
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Re: Encryption: TLS, SRTP & ZRTP
Reply #109 - 18. Nov 2011 at 08:36
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You have to use a real server certificate. If you export such certificate in text format (.pem) you will get the right format. But if you create a self signed certificate you have the problem that others doesn't see that certificate as valid, as long they doesn't trust the same certificate authority (CA).
All that certificate stuff is very complicated. Therefore PhonerLite has a built in certificate to use TLS out of the box. Only if you are familiar with creating certificates you should change any certificate setting in PhonerLite.
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Re: Encryption: TLS, SRTP & ZRTP
Reply #110 - 18. Nov 2011 at 14:11
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Phoner Admin wrote on 10. Nov 2011 at 08:20:
PhonerLite doesn't keep any session data for future calls with the same partner. You are right that is part of the ZRTP draft, but it is not implemented in PhonerLite. I don't see any security risks for this.

I don't know anything about a "preshared key mode". ZRTP is designed to work without preshared keys, so I don't know why you are interested to use this. PhonerLite doesn't support any preshared key.

If you don't trust ZRTP implementation in PhonerLite - feel free to use any other implementation. You can still use ZFone with PhonerLite.

Ehrm no. Sorry. All this wasn't meant as criticism.

I just wanted to understand all the encryption related stuff better as I haven't found any documentation about it.

PhonerLite is the only available client for us. It has unique Windows, IPv6 and ZRTP support.
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Phoner Admin
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Re: Encryption: TLS, SRTP & ZRTP
Reply #111 - 18. Nov 2011 at 14:18
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I didn't interpret this as criticism. I just wanted to tell, that PhonerLite is a hobby project and I don't have time to implement all theoretical stuff. I just wanted to understand how ZRTP is working and used therefore my own implementation for that - that is even compatible to ZFone & Co.
I don't like to document things - that is my fault, I know. But writing documentations is no fun for me. Hopefully you understand.
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Re: Encryption: TLS, SRTP & ZRTP
Reply #112 - 18. Nov 2011 at 15:05
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@ o b m

For a verification of Peer-To-Peer connections you need a certificate according to RFC 5922 and PhonerLite must then also be able to read and verify the subjectAltName in the certificate, what it can't at the moment as far as I know.

I started in the last days, after a longer pause, to code an implementation of a certificate with the subjectAltName into the PhonerLite download on my homepage (see signature). I guess it will take one or two more month for this to be ready (I'm doing this only in my free time). I hope that Heiko then also can afford some time to implement this in PhonerLite!  Wink
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Re: Encryption: TLS, SRTP & ZRTP
Reply #113 - 30. Jan 2012 at 01:32
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TLS is not working stably with Freeswitch. Every other client is working fine with the same Freeswitch.
Phonerlite registers, but sometime later stops and tries to register.

Also the debug option seems to have vanished, I have debug selected in the menu, but I am unable to see the debug tab/window. 

Recently also when I press save button, phonerlite hangs for a few seconds (not really hangs, but freezes). 

Is there any change in SAVP ? Earlier phonerlite SRTP use to work without SAVP, but now it is not working without SAVP. 
Also does ZRTP require SAVP ?
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Phoner Admin
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Re: Encryption: TLS, SRTP & ZRTP
Reply #114 - 30. Jan 2012 at 08:55
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TLS is not working stably with Freeswitch. Every other client is working fine with the same Freeswitch.
Phonerlite registers, but sometime later stops and tries to register.

Do you have an installation where public access is possible? So where can I try to register and try for my own? I don't want to install and configure Freeswitch for my own.

Also the debug option seems to have vanished, I have debug selected in the menu, but I am unable to see the debug tab/window.

If you disable "Debug" in the Options menu, there is no debug output at all. So "Debug" must be enabled in Options menu. Then you can switch the visibility of debug in the help menu.

Recently also when I press save button, phonerlite hangs for a few seconds (not really hangs, but freezes).

What version of PhonerLite are you using? Is that problem reproducible?

Is there any change in SAVP ? Earlier phonerlite SRTP use to work without SAVP, but now it is not working without SAVP. 
Also does ZRTP require SAVP ?

You can configure if you want to use "AVP" or "SAVP". Take a look at the codec settings. There is a switch called "SAVP".
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Re: Encryption: TLS, SRTP & ZRTP
Reply #115 - 15. Feb 2012 at 09:10
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"Do you have an installation where public access is possible? So where can I try to register and try for my own? I don't want to install and configure Freeswitch for my own."

Unfortunately I don't have one. Installation is fairly straightforward and is there on the install wiki. If you have a VM or machine I can access, I can install. You can make a VM so you don't have to worry.


The save button freezing for few moments is consistent and happens EVERY time. It freezes for about 2 seconds. Its not a big deal compared to TLS, ZRTP kind of things, but is observable. This with latest version


"If you disable "Debug" in the Options menu, there is no debug output at all. So "Debug" must be enabled in Options menu. Then you can switch the visibility of debug in the help menu."

Of course. With it enabled only I can't see it. 


I know the switch for SAVP of course. What I am saying is that did SAVP implementation change between phonerlite versions ? 

Earlier phonerlite SRTP use to work without SAVP, but now it is not working without SAVP.
Also does ZRTP require SAVP ? 

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Phoner Admin
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Re: Encryption: TLS, SRTP & ZRTP
Reply #116 - 15. Feb 2012 at 09:51
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I can't reproduce any 2 seconds freeze when saving a profile. When you save a profile, the actual profile will be unloaded before. So if you are registered at a SIP server, an unregistration is done. Maybe this last so long in your case.
I have no difficulties with other SIP clients supporting ZRTP. So if you have problems with Freeswitch, I need a way to test with that installation. But I don't want to setup a Freeswitch for my own. All that certificate configuration stuff and recompile with special settings is not the way i like. Sorry.
I found that one:
But at the moment that service is down.

If there is no other way for testing, you need to use another softphone.
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Re: Encryption: TLS, SRTP & ZRTP
Reply #117 - 27. Feb 2012 at 13:08
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botyhc wrote on 30. Jan 2012 at 01:32:
TLS is not working stably with Freeswitch. Every other client is working fine with the same Freeswitch.
Phonerlite registers, but sometime later stops and tries to register.

I faced the same issue with freeswitch. And I solved it by changing param name="tls-verify-depth" to value="1" (by default "2") in ../sip_profiles/internal.xml
After that PhonerLite successfully registered and start to work.
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Phoner Admin
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Re: Encryption: TLS, SRTP & ZRTP
Reply #118 - 27. Feb 2012 at 13:15
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I don't know what this "tls-verify-depth" means. Does Freeswitch request a client certificate? If so, you need to config one in PhonerLite.
For some days that service was running. I used 2 accounts on that server. TLS was no problem there. There was no ZRTP pass through possible. But with enabled "ZRTP masquerading" in PhonerLite it worked.
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Re: Encryption: TLS, SRTP & ZRTP
Reply #119 - 02. Mar 2012 at 10:46
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Hi! Sorry, I was wrong, any changes to tls-verify-depth had no effect. It was just coincidence. I tried with and without Client certificate - nothing help.

PL -> REGISTER w/Authorization field -> FS
PL <- 200 OK <- FS (PhonerLite ignore it and send reg. again)
PL -> REGISTER w/Authorization field -> FS
In att you can find debug output from phonerlite.

Please, advise.

register_trace.txt ( 8 KB | Downloads )
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