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Phoner Admin
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PhonerLite translation
11. Jun 2012 at 14:06
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PhonerLite supports the following languages so far: German, English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Russian and Arabic.
Custom translations are possible. PhonerLite can load additional languages from the file "PhonerLite.sil". You can download that file from here. You can edit this file with the SILEditor. Additional languages can be added. 
PhonerLite loads the additional languages only.
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Y v e s
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Re: PhonerLite translation
Reply #1 - 25. Mar 2015 at 12:53
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Custom translations are possible. PhonerLite can load additional languages from the file "PhonerLite.sil". ... Additional languages can be added.

I suppose, most of english people understand french as well, therefore no need to translate it into english. Besides there is .

Well, I did it for Phoner 2.96 portable in my way, as i needed to inverse the german expression for "[X] Transmit own number" in the german GUI into "[X] Rufnummer unterdrückt", in this new "language" which i called "Deutsch CLIR".

"SILEditor & Phoner_sil.txt":
>  avec Phoner2.96 portable

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TsiLang Files Editor
Open (Ctrl + O)  - Open file
Open file
Phoner.sil            String ID:            German            English            unbekannt
dans la ligne sous "Phoner.sil" marquer "Captions"


Copy - Copies language values to another one
Copy language
Please select source and target languages to copy.
Source language:
Target language:
Warning: This will copy the content of German to unbekannt for currect selection! Continue? [Yves]  [No]  >  [Yes]

>  ceci copie aussi pour la ligne "CharSets"
refaire aussi pour la ligne "Collections"
Copy - Copies language values to another one
Copy language
Please select source and target languages to copy.
Source language:
Target language:
Warning: This will copy the content of German to unbekannt for currect selection! Continue? [Yves]  [No]  >  [Yes]

>  refaire aussi pour la ligne "Dialogs"
Copy - Copies language values to another one
Copy language
Please select source and target languages to copy.
Source language:
Target language:
Warning: This will copy the content of German to unbekannt for currect selection! Continue? [Yves]  [No]  >  [Yes]

>  refaire aussi pour la ligne "Fonts"
Copy - Copies language values to another one
Copy language
Please select source and target languages to copy.
Source language:
Target language:
Warning: This will copy the content of German to unbekannt for currect selection! Continue? [Yves]  [No]  >  [Yes]

>  refaire aussi pour la ligne "Hints"
Copy - Copies language values to another one
Copy language
Please select source and target languages to copy.
Source language:
Target language:
Warning: This will copy the content of German to unbekannt for currect selection! Continue? [Yves]  [No]  >  [Yes]

>  refaire aussi pour la ligne "Locales"
Copy - Copies language values to another one
Copy language
Please select source and target languages to copy.
Source language:
Target language:
Warning: This will copy the content of German to unbekannt for currect selection! Continue? [Yves]  [No]  >  [Yes]

>  refaire aussi pour la ligne "Multilines"
Copy - Copies language values to another one
Copy language
Please select source and target languages to copy.
Source language:
Target language:
Warning: This will copy the content of German to unbekannt for currect selection! Continue? [Yves]  [No]  >  [Yes]

>  refaire aussi pour la ligne "Other"
Copy - Copies language values to another one
Copy language
Please select source and target languages to copy.
Source language:
Target language:
Warning: This will copy the content of German to unbekannt for currect selection! Continue? [Yves]  [No]  >  [Yes]

>  refaire aussi pour la ligne "Strings"
Copy - Copies language values to another one
Copy language
Please select source and target languages to copy.
Source language:
Target language:
Warning: This will copy the content of German to unbekannt for currect selection! Continue? [Yves]  [No]  >  [Yes]

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Y v e s
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Re: PhonerLite translation
Reply #2 - 25. Mar 2015 at 12:54
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À gauche, sous "Phoner.sil", marquer "Captions"
Dans la première ligne en haut, sous "String ID:", marquer "TAboutBox.btHelp"
Find text: übermitteln
Direction: (•) down
Find next
il trouve "übermitteln" dans la colonne "German", dans la ligne TfrmMain.cbPresentation
Find next  >  il trouve "übermitteln" dans la colonne "unbekannt", dans la ligne TfrmMain.cbPresentation
Replacer "Rufnummer übermitteln" par "Rufnummer unterdückt"
continuer à chercher "übermitteln" dans toutes les lignes en bas de "Captions"
il ne trouve plus de "übermitteln" dans cette section "Captions"
continuer à chercher "übermitteln" dans les autres sections en bas de "Captions"

À gauche, sous "Phoner.sil", marquer "Captions"
dans la colonne Strig ID: descendre plus pas jusqu'à Tfrm.mainSprache3  >  dans la colonne "German", changer de "Sprache:" à "Sprache: Deutsch CLIR",
                                                                                           dans la colonne "English", changer de "Language:" à "Language: German CLIR",
                                                                                           dans la colonne "unbekannt", changer de "Language:" à "Language: Deutsch CLIR"

Names - Input names for languages
Language names
marquer la ligne "unbekannt"
[Deutsch CLIR]
la colonne "unbekannt" a pris le nom "Deutsch CLIR"
taper Save (Ctrl + S) - Save current file
Phoner.sil (104 KB)  >  Phoner.sil (122 KB)
ne pas fermer TsiLang Files Editor avant d'avoir contrôlé soigneusement que toutes les textes sont vraiment bien traduits !

ouvrir Phoner2.96 portable
X      Sprache: Deutsch
     Sprache: Deutsch
     Sprache: Deutsch CLIR
X      Sprache: Deusch CLIR
[X] Rufnummer unterdrückt
laisser coché X: Sprache  >  X  Importieren
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Y v e s
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Re: Phoner translation
Reply #3 - 30. Oct 2015 at 02:32
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At the time, i created my Phoner.sil for the version Phoner 2.96 and have been using this Phoner.sil in many new versions coming out later: in 2.97, 2.98, 2.99, 3.00, 3.01 and in 3.02. It will work as well in version 3.03, I think, because obviously there has been made no change in the text of the GUI.

But in the future it could be that there will be a change in the GUI-text of a new version as well, so that i should create a new Phoner.sil for that new version. 

I hope that a change in the GUI-text of a new version will be mentioned then by a small hint in the appropriate line of the Changelog / Versionsübersicht, so that the user will be informed about this important fact.
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Phoner Admin
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Re: PhonerLite translation
Reply #4 - 30. Oct 2015 at 08:32
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I try to keep the translation files up to date. But I am not good in documentation.  Embarrassed
It is unclear to me until now, why you need this patch with number suppression text at all.
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Y v e s
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Re: Phoner translation
Reply #5 - 30. Oct 2015 at 12:58
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It is unclear to me until now, why you need this patch with number suppression text at all.

At the time, we discussed it here and there. It's still working strong. Smiley
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Phoner Admin
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Re: PhonerLite translation
Reply #6 - 30. Oct 2015 at 13:09
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I know that it is different in your environment, but I don't understand, why it is needed at all. So the question is still: Why CLIR is handled different by your provider...
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Re: Phoner translation
Reply #7 - 30. Oct 2015 at 13:18
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I don't know and don't understand it neither. We don't know why it works, but it works. The technical hotlines of AVM Berlin and KabelBW/Unitymedia couldn't give me any explanation for this. So they told me "Let it be". Roll Eyes
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Y v e s
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Re: PhonerLite translation
Reply #8 - 15. Jun 2017 at 01:51
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The solution has been found, and can be read here:

"Die gespeicherte permanente rufnummernunterdrückung war also das problem." - The stored permanent call number suppression was thus the problem.

Any german-english translations can be done here:

Telling you this just for closing the subject here Wink
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Adam Xiong
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Re: PhonerLite translation, Chinese translation
Reply #9 - 06. Jun 2018 at 05:27
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We think Phoner is a great soft phone client! Tiny size and easy to use!
The attachment file contains the Chinese translation that we made.

Phoner.sil ( 70 KB | 563 Downloads )
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Phoner Admin
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Re: PhonerLite translation
Reply #10 - 06. Jun 2018 at 10:46
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Thanks for your work. But unfortunately it doesn't work here in my western Europe environment. When opening the file in the editor I see Chines looking string, but the import in PhonerLite shows some strange other output. Right now I don't have the time to check that. 
If a Chinese Windows shows that correctly - great.
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Adam Xiong
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Re: PhonerLite translation
Reply #11 - 07. Jun 2018 at 09:44
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Yes, Phoner works very well in Chinese Windows, we already tested on many machines here. 
The translation tool indeed show a few strange output on translating some long Chinese sentences, but not a big problem, see attachement.

Chinese_Phoner.png ( 111 KB | 369 Downloads )
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