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Normal Topic Phonebook behavior and suggections about it (Read 2588 times)
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Phonebook behavior and suggections about it
23. Dec 2022 at 08:02
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First of all, I want to thank author for such greate freeware program. It is the best solution that I have found over internet to deploy in organization.

Let me explain some suggections about phonebook part of PhonerLite. 
It's very convenient that the phone book is stored in a simple csv format. My task is to keep it actual on every workplace, so I have wrote powershell script to copy updated phonebook.csv from shared folder to %APPDATA%\PhonerLite.

But here is my first problem. I can not just overwrite old file with new version, because PhonerLite will overwrite it with version from memory of running PhonerLite.
So I have to check if new phonebook different to old one, close PhonerLite, overwrite new version and start PhonerLite again. This proccess can not be normally automated, so user has to run my "updater" manualy.

My second problem is that old phonebook OVERWRITTEN with new one. All custom contacts that user added manually are overwritten too.

I really know that these problems are just my own. But here my suggections about it:

- Couldn't you add possibility to add several phonebook files? One shared for all and one private, for example.
- It would be perfect to have ability to add own custom fields to contacts: email,organization, department etc. Now we have only one field "Comment" for all. CSV format natively support it.

With best regards.
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Re: Phonebook behavior and suggections about it
Reply #1 - 23. Dec 2022 at 10:26
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I had never the intention to support shared phonebooks in PhonerLite. Please understand that I develop PhonerLite for my own use and just share the result for free. I don't need such shared phonebooks for my own - therefore I have no plans to do any work for that in near future.
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YaBB Newbies

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Re: Phonebook behavior and suggections about it
Reply #2 - 23. Dec 2022 at 10:56
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I fully understand you. So I just asked, maybe you have any development plans for it. I am not sort of user, who demands anything from developer of freeware program.

Thank you for everything you do.
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